海洋之神优惠大厅主站 - 海洋之神优惠大厅网页 全球领先的转化和临床开发新一代CRO Wed, 18 Jan 2023 00:57:25 +0000 zh-CN hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.1 海洋之神优惠大厅主站 - 海洋之神优惠大厅网页 /archives/15741 Fri, 13 Jan 2023 09:00:22 +0000 /?p=15741













  • 转化医学专家
  • 前阿斯利康生物分析全球负责人,管理全球5个基地的100多名科学家
  • 30余年体外药理调查、药代动力学和药效学表征、生物标志物开发、免疫原性评估、GxP生物分析和提交监管文件方面的经验
  • 十多项发明专利的拥有者,60多篇同行评议文章的作者,也是诸多国际行业会议的组织者和特邀发言人。曾多次受邀参加美国医药行业工作组制定行业指导性文件(白皮书)
  • 在法规提交(IND、BLA、NDA)、体外药理调查、药代动力学、药效学特性、生物标志物开发、辅助诊断开发、免疫原性评估、GxP生物分析、DMPK和临床药理学等方面经验丰富


海洋之神优惠大厅主站 - 海洋之神优惠大厅网页 /archives/15733 Fri, 06 Jan 2023 09:00:58 +0000 /?p=15733





本周的刊物根据海洋之神优惠大厅主站临床药理总裁Nidal Al-Huniti博士参与的研究发表。






Nidal Huniti 博士


  • 知名定量药理和临床药理专家
  • 17+年药物研发经验,前再生元(Regeneron)执行总监和定量药理负责人;曾在阿斯利康工作了9年,担任执行总监和美国肿瘤及数据编程&运营负责人
  • 70+篇同行评议文章和200+篇论文摘要的作者
  • 曾支持多个治疗各种疾病领域的生物和化学药物的临床开发和申报
  • BS:约旦大学获得药学学士学位;MS:爱荷华大学临床医药学;PhD:爱荷华大学药代动力学和药效动力学


海洋之神优惠大厅主站 - 海洋之神优惠大厅网页 /archives/15699 Fri, 23 Dec 2022 09:00:58 +0000 /?p=15699





本周介绍一篇由海洋之神优惠大厅主站马里兰生物分析和生物标志物副总裁Rafiq Islam参与研究,发布在公共科学图书馆(PLOS)的论文。





Rafiq Islam


  • 在CRO领域的 GxP生物分析和转化科学方面有超过20年经验
  • 曾任Smithers公司的副总裁,成功建立并领导新药研发服务团队,为免疫肿瘤和基因治疗产品提供生物分析服务
  • 曾先后在Celerion、EMD Millipore、Covance、Huntingdon Life Sciences和CuraGen担任过多个领导职位


海洋之神优惠大厅主站 - 海洋之神优惠大厅网页 /archives/15692 Fri, 16 Dec 2022 09:00:43 +0000 /?p=15692


单克隆抗体治疗、预防和疫苗相结合以减少SARS CoV-2的传播



本周的刊物根据海洋之神优惠大厅主站临床药理总裁Nidal Al-Huniti博士参与的研究发表。




Nidal Huniti 博士


  • 知名定量药理和临床药理专家
  • 17+ 年药物研发经验,前再生元(Regeneron)执行总监和定量药理负责人;曾在阿斯利康工作了9年,担任执行总监和美国肿瘤及数据编程&运营负责人
  • 70+篇同行评议文章和200+篇论文摘要的作者
  • 曾支持多个治疗各种疾病领域的生物和化学药物的临床开发和申报
  • BS:约旦大学获得药学学士学位;MS:爱荷华大学临床医药学;PhD:爱荷华大学药代动力学和药效动力学


海洋之神优惠大厅主站 - 海洋之神优惠大厅网页 /archives/15674 Fri, 09 Dec 2022 09:00:52 +0000 /?p=15674




audit · CRO · inspection · pandemic · quality assurance · remote · virtual

该研究围绕海洋之神优惠大厅主站马里兰生物分析和生物标志物副总裁Rafiq M Islam和经验丰富的实验室科学家团队针对后疫情时代开展的远程稽查工作。



Rafiq Islam



  • 在CRO领域的 GxP生物分析和转化科学方面有超过20年经验
  • 曾任Smithers公司的副总裁,成功建立并领导新药研发服务团队,为免疫肿瘤和基因治疗产品提供生物分析服务
  • 曾先后在Celerion、EMD Millipore、Covance、Huntingdon Life Sciences和CuraGen担任过多个领导职位


海洋之神优惠大厅主站 - 海洋之神优惠大厅网页 /archives/15573 Fri, 02 Dec 2022 09:00:32 +0000 /?p=15573

《复发或转移性宫颈癌患者中西米普利单抗(cemiplimab)的群体药代动力学建模和暴露-反应分析》(Population pharmacokinetics modeling and exposure-response analyses of cemiplimab in patients with recurrent or metastatic cervical cancer)发表于2022年10月,介绍了PD-1抑制剂西米普利单抗(cemiplimab)的稳定性、稳健性和最新PopPK模型的验证,海洋之神优惠大厅主站临床药理总裁Nidal Al-Huniti博士是该论文的通讯作者。

为将研究不同类型实体瘤的多项临床试验中的 PK 数据纳入PopPK模型,研究人员更新了初始模型中模拟的西米普利单抗的药时曲线,进行了适当修改以改善模型的稳定性和鲁棒性,并与之前的模型进行比较。此外,论文中还报告了西米普利单抗在多个肿瘤类别患者中的PK 外部验证,以及在复发或转移性宫颈癌 (R/M CC)患者中有效性和安全性的暴露-反应关系。

西米普利单抗在美国和欧洲获批用于治疗晚期皮肤鳞状细胞癌,剂量为350mg Q3W静脉滴注(i.v.),在美国获批用于治疗晚期基底细胞癌和一线治疗PD-1表达≥50%的晚期非小细胞肺癌。

论文的研究结果表明,R/M CC患者的西米普利单抗暴露量与其他肿瘤类型相当,暴露-反应分析显示,西米普利单抗暴露量与评价的有效性或安全性终点之间没有关系。这一数据对使用剂量为350 mg Q3W i.v. 的西米普利单抗作为R/M CC的二线治疗方案可能具有支持作用。


查看完整论文 https://ascpt.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/psp4.12855

Nidal Huniti 博士


  • 知名定量药理和临床药理专家
  • 17+ 年药物研发经验,前再生元(Regeneron)执行总监和定量药理负责人;曾在阿斯利康工作了9年,担任执行总监和美国肿瘤及数据编程&运营负责人
  • 70+篇同行评议文章和200+篇论文摘要的作者
  • 曾支持多个治疗各种疾病领域的生物和化学药物的临床开发和申报
  • BS:约旦大学获得药学学士学位;MS:爱荷华大学临床医药学;PhD:爱荷华大学药代动力学和药效动力学
海洋之神优惠大厅主站 - 海洋之神优惠大厅网页 /archives/15538 Fri, 04 Nov 2022 10:40:35 +0000 /?p=15538

定量药理学离不开数学建模与模拟(Modeling and Simulation)技术,这需要有专业的软件作为数据分析的支撑工具。


popPK /PD


定量药理学离不开数学建模与模拟(Modeling and Simulation)技术,这需要有专业的软件作为数据分析的支撑工具。定量药理学的研究以非线性混合效应模型法(Nonlinear Mixed Effects Modeling,NONMEM)为主,以该方法命名的NONMEM软件是当前该领域内的国际主流分析软件和重要工具。通过不断地改进与升级,ICON旗下的NONMEM已成为群体药动学-药效学数据分析的“金标准”软件,也是应用最广泛的定量药理建模和模拟软件。

可结合《海洋之神优惠大厅主站云课堂 | 定量药理学专业书籍推荐》中介绍的Introduction to Population Pharmacokinetic / Pharmacodynamic Analysis with Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models学习该软件的使用方法。


  • Simcyp™

Simcyp™模拟器Certara开发的基于生理学的药代动力学(PBPK)平台,可用于确定首次人体剂量、优化临床研究设计、评价新药制剂、设定未测试人群剂量、进行虚拟生物等效性分析和预测药物相互作用(DDI)。Simcyp™在小分子药物、生物制剂、ADC、仿制药和New Modality药物开发均已得到广泛使用。

  • PK-Sim®

PK-Sim®是拜尔科技(Bayer AG,Germany)自主开发的整体PBPK工具,可用于建立基于生理学的全身药代动力学模型。该工具能够快速获取集成数据库中包含的人类和最常见的实验动物(小鼠、大鼠、迷你猪、狗和猴子)的所有相关解剖和生理参数,还提供了不同的PBPK计算方法,高效创建模型并参数化。

  • GastroPlus®

GastroPlus® 是制药模拟软件开发商Simulations Plus开发的PBPK/PD及制剂模拟软件,可以进行人类和动物的静脉注射、口服、口腔、眼部、吸入、皮肤、皮下和肌内吸收、生物药理学、药代动力学和药效学模拟。软件分为多个功能模块,包括基础模块、生理药代动力学PBPK模块、药代动力学参数计算PK 模块、代谢酶与转运体模块、药物相互作用DDI模块、药效动力学PD模块、优化模块、体内外相关IVIVC模块、其他给药途径模块、理化与代谢性质预测模块、生物大分子模块,可根据需求获得授权。


  • Phoenix® WinNonlin®

Phoenix® WinNonlin®是Certara开发的非临床和临床PK/PD研究分析平台。作为一款集成式工具,拥有数据处理、非房室模型分析(NCA)、PK/PD建模、分析后统计、表格创建和图形绘制等多种功能,其NCA引擎、独立的PK/PD建模引擎和统计分析工具可用于从早期非临床研究到大型临床试验的各种研究和分析工作。直观的图形化用户界面可为用户节省大量学习软件和管理数据的时间,从而留出更多的时间来建模、解读和理解数据。


海洋之神优惠大厅主站 - 海洋之神优惠大厅网页 /archives/14012 Fri, 20 May 2022 08:00:03 +0000 http://test.amadorbio.cn/?p=14012

《联邦食品、药品和化妆品法案》(FD&C Act)第505条规定了可以提交给FDA批准的所有三种类型的新药申请:505(b)(1)、505(b)(2)、505(j)。其中,由于505(b)(2)类途径所需的申请数据相对减少,且可使用先前已获得批准的资料,因此研发费用和开发时间较创新药更少,开发风险更低,广泛受到药品开发者的青睐。

海洋之神优惠大厅主站全球监管注册业务副总裁Kamali Chance博士曾撰文对505(b)(2)类申请途径进行深度解析。


Kamali Chance

  • 25年监管事务工业界经验,涵盖各类药物开发的临床前,临床和全球入市申报阶段
  • 曾助力多个药物在美国、欧盟、加拿大、中国及其他亚洲国家的成功上市
  • 曾撰写和合著了许多关于创新药和生物仿制药监管实践的文章和书籍章节
  • 拥有监管事务专业协会颁发的监管事务证书
  • 博士:北卡罗来纳大学格林斯博罗分校;硕士:北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校
Is the 505 (b)(2) Drug Application Process Right for You?
By Kamali Chance, MPH, PhD, RAC
The 505(b)(2) section of the Federal Food, Drug, & Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) describes the new drug application (NDA) process, which incorporates some characteristics of both NDAs and Abbreviated New Drug Applications (ANDAs)1. This application process replaces FDA’s paper NDA policy, which had allowed reliance on safety and efficacy data published in scientific literature. This section was added to the FD&C Act by the Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act of 1984 (Hatch-Waxman), which permitted FDA to rely upon data not developed by the applicant for approval of an NDA. In October 1999, FDA issued a Draft Guidance for Industry entitled Application Covered by Section 505(b)(2) that clearly identified the application types that would be covered by this section.2
Section 505 of the FD&C Act describes all three types of new drug applications that can be submitted to FDA for approval:
  • New Drug Applications covered under FD&C Act section 505(b)(1)—This type of application contains full reports of safety and efficacy investigations as well as some of the information from studies not conducted by or for the applicant for which the applicant has obtained a right of reference.
  • 505(b)(2) New Drug Applications—This type of application relies upon “at least some of the information from studies not conducted by or for the applicant and for which the applicant has not obtained a right of reference,” although some studies may have been conducted by the sponsor.
  • Abbreviated New Drug Applications covered under FD&C Act section 505(j)—This type of application includes information that shows that the proposed product is identical to a previously approved drug product in the following respects: active ingredient, dosage form, strength, route of administration, labeling, quality, performance characteristics and intended use.
Protein products originally approved under the FD&C Act now also are subject to the 505(b)(2) rule as follow-on proteins. Sandoz’s Omnitrope (somatropin [rDNA origin]) NDA was submitted to FDA through this pathway and referenced Pfizer Inc.’s listed drug Genotropin (somatropin [rDNA origin]).3 Omnitrope is not a generic biologic since it is not rated by FDA as being therapeutically equivalent to Genotropin or any other human growth hormone product. In other words, this product (Omnitrope) cannot be substituted for another human growth hormone product in a pharmacy. The physician will have to write a specific prescription for Omnitrope, as for any other innovator drug. It should be noted that there is no abbreviated approval pathway for protein products licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act.3
The type of information that an applicant can rely upon for which it does not have the right of reference include:
1. Published literature
If a drug application’s approval will rely upon published literature to any extent, a 505(b)(2) application [a literature-based 505(b)(2)] should be submitted. In this case, the applicant does not have right of reference to the raw data underlying the published study.
It should be noted that this only applies to referencing such information as clinical trials and animal studies that is necessary to obtain approval of the drug application, not any reference to published general information (e.g., about disease etiology, methods of analysis, etc.). However, if the applicant obtains a right of reference to the raw data, the application may be filed as a full NDA [505(b)(1)].2, 4
2. The agency’s finding of safety and efficacy for an approved drug
If a drug application’s approval relies upon the agency’s previous finding of safety and/or efficacy for a reference listed drug, a 505(b)(2) application should be submitted. This approach encourages innovation in drug development (e.g., different dosage form, strength, route of administration, etc.) of the same drug product without requiring duplication of safety and efficacy studies. The patent(s) and exclusivity rights for the approved reference listed drug are protected. This scenario would require, at a minimum, a bioequivalence study with the reference listed drug, and possibly some bridging toxicology studies or perhaps mutagenicity or genotoxicity studies if the impurity profile is different from the reference listed drug.
Examples of 505(b)(2) Drug Applications2
  • new dosage form—If the approved drug is a tablet that is taken multiple times daily, a 505(b)(2) application can be submitted for an extended release version of that product [example: Naproxen sodium extended release tablets (Naprelan)] or orally disintegrating tablets, etc.
  • strength—A drug application could request a change to a lower or higher strength of the currently approved drug product.
  • route of administration—This could include a change from an intravenous to an oral route of administration, etc.
  • formulation—An application could propose a drug product containing a quality or quantity of an excipient(s) different from that of the reference listed drug (e.g., novel excipient). Studies required for this application type are beyond those required for generic drug applications (e.g., bioequivalence confirmatory studies5). The additional studies that may be required include safety studies on the novel excipient and its interaction with the remaining drug product ingredients.
  • dosing regimen—This application type would include a change from the currently approved dosing regimen (e.g., from every four hours to once per day).
  • active ingredient—This type of drug application would include a different salt, ester, complex, chelate, clathrate, racemate or enantiomer of the active ingredient of an already approved drug product containing the same active moiety. One example would be the approval of the drug product Pexeva (Paroxetine mesylate), which is a different salt form of Paxil (Paroxetime hydrochloride), via the 505(b)(2) route.
  • new molecular entity/new chemical entity— For new molecular entities such as different salt or ester forms of the approved active in a reference listed drug, the new drug sponsor can rely upon safety and efficacy data from both the reference listed drug and literature. Bridging safety studies may be required. For NCEs, even drugs with similar pharmacologic effects (pharmaceutically equivalent) may be eligible for consideration in the approval of a new drug.
  • combination product—A new combination product would include one or both of the active ingredients that previously had been approved individually. If only one of the actives was approved previously, the sponsor can rely partially on the efficacy and safety data for that active. However, additional clinical studies will need to be conducted to show the combination’s safety and efficacy.
  • indication—If applying for a new indication of a previously approved drug product, the innovator company should file a supplemental NDA. Other applicants who do not have the right of reference to the innovator/reference listed drug can file a 505(b)(2) application and ask the agency to rely upon a previous finding of safety and/or effectiveness for the innovator product.
  • Rx/OTC switch—A request is submitted to change the prescription (Rx) status of an already approved prescription drug to over-the-counter (OTC) status for marketing approval. The product’s safety profile is reviewed by the agency, which looks at US and worldwide adverse event data. Consideration is given to how long the product has been on the market and how extensively it has been used. Label comprehension studies may be required. Normally, the applicant requests the Rx to OTC switch; however, health insurers and even FDA have been known to initiate the switch (e.g., Claritin).
  • OTC monograph—A 505(b)(2) drug application is submitted for a nonmonograph indication or a new dosage form of a product described in an OTC monograph (21 CFR 330.11).
  • naturally derived or recombinant active ingredient—In this case, the active ingredient is the same as that in a reference listed drug, but it is derived from animal or botanical sources or recombinant technology. Clinical studies would be required to show that the active ingredient has the same drug impact (pharmacokinetic/ pharmacodynamic) as the one in the reference listed drug.
  • bioinequivalence— If the rate and/or extent of absorption are different from those of the reference listed drug (e.g., exceed standards for bioequivalence), a 505(b)(2) drug application can be submitted. Additional clinical studies may be required to document the new drug product’s safety and efficacy (e.g., a controlled- release drug product that is bioinequivalent to a reference listed drug may qualify). This change would be reflected in product labeling. It should be noted that if the proposed drug product is an exact duplicate of the reference drug product, a 505(j) application should be submitted.
The Following Do Not Qualify for 505(b)(2) Status2
  • A drug application that is a duplicate of a reference listed drug should be submitted for approval under section 505(j) (ANDA route) of the FD&C Act (also see 21 CFR 314.101(d)(9)). However, a 505(b)(2) application can be submitted for a change in a drug product that also may be eligible for consideration under suitability petition guidelines under Section 505(j)(2)(C) of the FD&C Act.
  • A drug application for a product where the only difference from the reference listed drug is that the extent and/or rate of absorption of the active ingredient(s) or delivery to the site of action are less than for the reference listed drug (21 CFR 314.54(b)(1)).
Patent and Exclusivity Protections
Patent/exclusivity certifications must be filed for 505(b)(2) applications for any references to a listed drug.2,6 Existing patents and/or exclusivities can delay the approval of a 505(b)(2) application. A 505(b)(2) application also can be eligible for patents and exclusivities:
  • A 505(b)(2) application can be eligible for three years of exclusivity under the Hatch-Waxman Act, if one or more clinical studies were essential for product approval and these studies were conducted or sponsored by the applicant [21 CFR 314.50(j); 314.108(b)(4) and (5)].
  • Five years of exclusivity may be granted if the drug product contains a new chemical entity [21 CFR 314.50(j); 314.108(b)(2)].
  • Orphan drug exclusivity (21 CFR 314.20-316.36) and pediatric exclusivity (section 505A of the Act) also apply to 505(b)(2) drug applications.
How to Begin the 505(b)(2) Application Process
It is highly recommended that the 505(b)(2) applicants request a meeting with the appropriate FDA division before an official drug application is filed for review. This could be a pre-IND or pre-NDA meeting, depending upon clinical study status. Meeting with the agency early in the planning process can help:
  • establish a good working relationship with the particular FDA division
  • get input from potential reviewers to guide the robust protocol development to address all agency’s concerns.
  • avoid unnecessary studies that the applicant may have been considering
  • determine the issues of importance to the particular division that should be addressed, perhaps as a different arm of one clinical trial as opposed to conducting a different trial
  • gain early acceptance of the number of pivotal studies, if any, or perhaps of confirmatory bioequivalence study by the drug approval division
  • gain early acceptance of the appropriate reference listed drug by the division the applicant may have identified; this information would be crucial if the applicant is planning any comparative studies with the reference listed drug
In general, early agreements with the division can save the applicant time, from concept development through drug approval. Best of all, the agency does not charge for these meetings.
Guidance for Industry: Formal Meetings with Sponsors and Applicants for PDUFA Products outlines FDA requirements for making meeting requests and includes information on what should be included in the briefing (information) package. The following information generally is required:7
  • identification of any application components for which the applicant will rely upon FDA’s finding of safety and effectiveness of a previously approved drug product; identity of the reference listed drug.identification of any studies the applicant does not own or has the right to reference (includes any preclinical or clinical studies) from published literature
  • identification of proposed bridging studies for the approval of the 505(b)(2) application
  • for a 505(b)(2) application for a New Chemical Entity, identification of a pharmaceutically equivalent drug, if the application will rely upon any data from the pharmaceutically equivalent drug; provide certifications for patents listed for the pharmaceutically equivalent drug
  • identification of any patents and/or exclusivities (per FDA’s Orange Book) that claim the reference listed drug or the use of drug in the proposed 505(b)(2) drug application
  • if seeking marketing exclusivity for the 505(b)(2) drug product, include information required under 314.50(j), e.g., if approval is sought for a new patient population, identify clinical studies that will be the basis for the new exclusivity
  • if seeking approval for a new indication for a reference listed drug, certification to that effect is required per (21 CFR 314.54(a)(1)(iv)
  • information on any Bioavailability /Bioequivalence (BA/BE) study conducted or planned comparing the proposed drug product to the reference listed drug
  • information on any proposed studies that may be necessary to support changes to the reference listed drug (i.e., studies using the new dosage form, dosing regimen change, new patient population, etc.); often, appropriate bridging studies may meet FDA requirements for safety and efficacy in addition to what exists in literature
and/or previous finding of safety and efficacy by the agency for the reference listed drug
It should be noted that the standards required to gain approval of a drug via the 505(b)(2) route are the same as those that apply to 505(b)(1) applications. The difference is that the 505(b)(2) applicant can rely upon studies conducted by others (literature-based), for which the applicant has not obtained a right of reference, and also can request reliance upon FDA’s safety and efficacy findings for the reference listed drug.
1. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act as amended by the FDA Modernization Act of 1997.
2. FDA Guidance for Industry: Applications Covered by Section 505(b)(2). This guidance is available at www.fda.gov/cder/guidances.
3. www.fda.gov/cder/drug/infopage/somatropin/default.htm
4. 21 CFR Part 314.54. Procedure for submission of an application requiring investigations for approval of a new indication for, or other change from, a listed drug.
5. Limited confirmatory testing is explained in further detail in 54 Federal Register 288872, 28880 (10 July 1989) and 57 Federal Register 17950, 17957-58 (28 April 1992).
6. “Abbreviated New Drug Application Regulations; Patent and Exclusivity Provisions; Final Rule,” Federal Register. Vol. 59, No.190, Monday, 3 October 1994, page 50338. Also found under 21 CFR 314.107 Effective date of approval of a 505(b)(2) application.
7. FDA Guidance for Industry: Formal Meetings with Sponsors and Applicants for PDUFA Products. This guidance is available at 222.fda.gov/cder/guidances.
海洋之神优惠大厅主站 - 海洋之神优惠大厅网页 /archives/12631 Mon, 09 May 2022 15:55:55 +0000 http://747931.ichengyun.net/?p=12631

抗体偶联药物(antibody-drug conjugate,ADC)是将单克隆抗体药物的高特异性和小分子药物的高活性相结合,利用抗体与靶抗原特异性结合的特点,将小分子药物靶向递送至肿瘤细胞进而发挥杀伤肿瘤的作用, 从而提高肿瘤药物的靶向性、减少毒副作用。与传统的完全或部分人源化抗体或抗体片段相比,ADC因能在肿瘤组织内释放高活性的细胞毒素从而理论上疗效更高。近年来,ADC药物已经成为国内外抗体药物研发的新热门方向,备受医药研发领域人员的关注。





海洋之神优惠大厅主站 - 海洋之神优惠大厅网页 /archives/14020 Thu, 21 Apr 2022 09:29:34 +0000 http://test.amadorbio.cn/?p=14020
近期,海洋之神优惠大厅主站联合北京肿瘤医院在Frontiers in Pharmacology 发表论文“儿科实体瘤患者用药剂量确认的TQ-B3101群体药代动力学建模与模拟”。
  • TQ-B3101是一种开发中的新型激酶抑制剂,可以用于治疗晚期恶性肿瘤和复发性或顽固性的ALK阳性间变性大细胞淋巴瘤(ALCL)。此为首个在口服TQ-B3101后,对TQ-B3101及其活性代谢物(TQ-B3101M)在人体内的群体PK模型进行研究的报告。
  • 人口统计学协变量包括体重、BMI、BSA、年龄、性别、肥胖程度、白蛋白、肝脏和肾脏功能的标志物,对TQ-B3101和TQ-B3101M的PK不会造成实际影响。
  • 基于临床模拟,建议在TQ-B3101的进一步开发中,对ALCL的儿童患者(6-<18岁)采用以下BSA分级给药方案:0.74-0.89 m2:250 mg BID;0.90-1.22 m2:350 mg BID;1.23-1.38 m2,400 mg BID;1.39-1.59 m2:450 mg BID;>1.6 m2:550 mg BID。